This texture is from http://www.cgtextures.com/ where I have gathered a few other textures as well. I have tried using mainly tile-able textures, making it easier to scale up the texture without getting the awful tiled texture look all over my assets.
Here though, the image is very flat.

The two cylinders in the scene here are just for my own reference of a person with their arms spread out, so I could get a semi-accurate size of the boards of wood.
I have added a bump map by going altering the original image as a grayscale image and saving it as it's own image, then importing it into Maya and connecting it to the material as a bump map.
By doing this, I can pull out either dark or light parts of the grey image, but the effects will appear on the asset itself.
From there it was just a matter of finding which point was best. I have made it now look more 3D.