Tuesday 21 September 2010


Over these past few months I knew I wanted to create an animation rather than a game. I knew I wanted to create an animation with emotion. Not like previous ones with humour, but one more of sadness. It is something I have wanted to do for quite some time.

When I watch animations, the ones that have more of an impact on me are ones with a depressing atmosphere almost. Most films I see are happy and jolly. I don't want to do that. Making a film of the sort I want I hope will hit emotions of the audience the same way I've been hit from films (animated or live-action), songs, books, art, even architecture! Something that makes you stop and think. That's what I want.

Before I have made a few films with humour or something with a light side. That is partially why I want to do this as well. That, I hope, will drive me to work hard for this, as I've been wanting it for a while as I stated previously.

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