Tuesday 21 September 2010


Sad films I recall are ones such as Replay, a French CG film I saw at FLIP Festival almost 2 years ago now. That was the same day the rest of the people in my course and many other animators saw other shorts like This Way Up, possibly because it was funny..I'm not sure. It was still a brilliant film, but I just preferred Replay.

Here is 'This Way Up':

And here is 'Replay':

It's possibly because of the death of the boy in Replay that made me like it. That may sounds bad but it adds effect. It is like how the main character dies at the end of the film, you don't want it to happen, you may even hate that fact it happens, and it upsets you to see him die. For example: Bruce Willis in Armageddon. It's not a film where everyone wins, and everyone lives. It leaves you thinking about the film for a while.

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