Monday 27 September 2010

Picture evolved into a story

I am thinking more about that image I posted before. I could have a boy, locked in an attic, not necessarily tied to a post but just locked in there. He could pretend he's in places he's not rather than being in the reality that he's in a filthy attic. Towards the end of the animation, he could actually walk through the painting and be happy knowing that he no longer has to put up with living in a terrible place. His imagination has come true, yet really, he has actually passed away as if he died while staring into the painting. It was only in death that he could be happy and free.

It is similar to Replay however, so I may have to tweak it a bit. Though of course there are differences. Again, I said I did not want to animate a human... I could do a stuffed bear perhaps, or something along those lines. I am still deciding.

Though I have had some though about this and I may have over complicated it a bit. I know that simplicity is better, but with the outcome I could achieve, this story is getting the better of me. To summarise it: it's a small, lonely boy trying to escape reality and into his own fantasy world. Though, I know that is clearly not as simple as some animations I've seen such as walking through a door. Very simple. But again, I have an emotion I want to get across with this film.

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