Sunday 5 December 2010

Attic Modelling

I used this image here as reference for my attic scene. I am only using one corner of the room also, so no need to spend so much time making it all look good.

Here is the start of the modelling. I have added the pieces vertical and horizontal, shown here in grey. They are textured, but with a grey wood texture. I do like the wall texture however it does not match the flooring. I decided to use a texture similar to one in the reference image above.

This is the texture I found on I'd changed the flooring as well, again similar to the floor in the first image. It does look very grey though. I like it because it represents the dullness of an attic. But it just lacks so much colour. I may go back and alter the textures with some more colour, or perhaps add a coloured light into the scene.

This is the attic, fully modelled. Yet there are still concerns with where the wall and floor just 'meet'. I am yet to fix this problem, but will do soon. The vertical pieces of wood are aligned here, that will need to be changed as that is not the case in the reference image. But overall I am satisfied with it, though just need to improve upon it.

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