Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Attic Remodelling

I have recreated the attic, as I though it would make it look more 3D if I used 3 dimensional objects rather than planes. I bevelled the cubes to round off the edges to give it a form, rather than it just being like a texture was slapped onto it.

I did this with the walls as well. I'd bevelled everything the same. I had the offset to 0.200, and had 2 segments.

Now I have added the pieces of wood again that'll hold the attic. I have followed the original image a little more thoroughly than before. their texture is separate from the wall and the floor, I'd given it a grey coloured wood texture. Though the attic looks very grey still anyway.

An angle away from the corner, so to see the whole thing. I chose not to add the other two walls, they were pointless as I will not be using them. It makes it easier for my to set up cameras also, I am not as limited as I was before. However I will have to be careful not to catch the ends of the wall or ceiling in the camera's shot.

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