Wednesday 8 December 2010

Suitcase Comparison

I duplicated the suitcase, created a Lambert node and assigned the texture to this new node. Before I did not realise I could assign textures to multiple nodes. It proved quite useful and made my Hypershade Work Area a lot more cleaner to work with.

The one on the right is Blinn, the left is the new Lambert model. Already there are differences between them both. The Blinn model has a line of light running along the front edge and the top overall glows a little more than the Lambert model, which is plain all over.

I added a point light in the scene, getting a better perspective of the comparison between both models. There is a vast difference now. The Lambert model remains as dull as before, but the Blinn model recognises the light much more now. There is even a thin streak on the handle. It looks more like leather now as well, it has a nice shine to it.

This is the screen capture I took of my Hypershade window showing the files assigned to multiple nodes. I did it with all four textures for this scene. It proved very useful and saved filling the work area with too many files and nodes, etc.

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