Sunday 5 December 2010

Brick Wall

I tried to replicate a brick, none specific, but anything that looked a little realistic. After looking at it though, it could do with some lighting to add to the effect, help bring it to life. However I am not specialising in lighting, though I will have to look into and use it from time to time to help with my scenes.
I added a bump map to help achieve this as well. It can look to grainy or just plain wrong if the setting are too far either way across the slider, so I had to tweak it a few times to find a decent one.

A render from this angle shows that the texturing could have been better. The way it is laid across the corner isn't very nice. It looks as if the brick is very thin. Though really, I should not be using the texture on top of the wall as I have on the front.
I did this as a test for myself, just to see if I could create it.

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