Wednesday 8 December 2010

Suitcase Remodelling

I had enough with the previous model, and created a new one, proving much easier to model. I had followed the basics from this image with the red suitcases, but made it more of my own. So I basically kept the original size of it.

I first modelled the bottom part simple enough, then duplicated and rotated it to sit on top of the bottom part. Both were bevelled.

Then I began modelling the clips that fasten the suitcase. I used boolean on the vertical piece, though really, it is not even noticeable in this render, nor will it be in the final render, but I wanted to be in control of my model, so that it worked okay.

Just the suitcase opened, to get more of an understanding of how it look from different angles. I didn't bother to make the hinges on the back as they will not be seen on camera, it was unnecessary to model them.

This is the final suitcase before texturing. The handle has been added. Not perfect, but it will have to suffice.

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