Monday 6 December 2010

More Water Experiments

I had another attempt at creating water in Maya, following the same tutorial, but with a different texture. Again, however, this looks a little too much like snow.

But from a close-up it looks a lot more like water, as it appears more reflective and the form it has taken.

I added a bump map and it turned out like this, it is horrible and looks like a dirty wall.

But I altered the setting and made it look more natural and an improvement. Though it looks more like snow again. The bump map has taken away the reflective nature of the water though.

Before I had been working with 35x35 sub-divisions. I took them away and worked with one polygon only, as an experiment, too see how it would look. this was the result. It looks far more like snow than I had created before. Something I believe noteworthy if I need to create snow.

Again, another little experiment, adding a different texture and with a bump map. I don't believe bump maps work well with successfully trying to create water, sticking to displacement maps work best.

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